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The Psychological Perspectives on Lesbian and Gay Issues series ended with the publication of Volume 5 in 2000.

Division 44 has launched a new book series, titled Contemporary Perspectives on Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Psychology.

Psychological Perspectives on Lesbian and Gay Issues

Volume 1 Thumbnail Volume 2 Thumbnail Volume 3 Thumbnail Volume 4 Thumbnail Volume 5 Thumbnail

Series editors
Beverly Greene, Ph.D.
Gregory M. Herek, Ph.D.

Sponsored by the Society for the Psychological Study of Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Issues (Division 44 of the American Psychological Association)

Published by Sage Publications

Volume 1 Volume 1

Lesbian and Gay Psychology

Theory, Research, and Clinical Applications

Edited by
Beverly Greene, Ph.D.
Gregory M. Herek, Ph.D.

(Sage Publications, 1994)


More than ever before, heated public policy debates over sexual orientation point to a critical need for a clearer understanding of lesbians and gay men. Empirically rich and intellectually rigorous, Lesbian and Gay Psychology presents innovative empirical studies that explore the children of lesbians, internalized homophobia, lesbian and gay development, and aspects of relationship quality of cohabitating couples. Theoretical analyses of physical appearance, issues of sexual pride and shame in lesbians, impact of the feminist political movement, and heterosexual attitudes are also provided. A chapter on boundary issues in a lesbian therapist/client relationship adds to the diversity of perspectives contained in this volume.

The accessible format and clear writing style contribute to making Lesbian and Gay Psychology an ideal resource for practitioners, interns, social service professionals and students. Anyone interested in seeking a deeper level of understanding into the complexities and subtleties of the lesbian and gay community will also find this volume an invaluable resource.

Table of Contents Foreword
J. C. Gonsiorek

Beverly Greene

1. Lesbian and Gay Sexual Orientations: Implications for Clinical Training, Practice, and Research
Beverly Greene

2. When Perceptions Meet Reality: Individual Differences in Reactions to Lesbians and Gay Men
Mary E. Kite

3. Our Politics and Choices: The Feminist Movement and Sexual Orientation
Carla Golden

4. Sexual Pride and Shame in Lesbians
Suzanna Rose

5. Lesbians and Physical Appearance: Which Model Applies?
Esther D. Rothblum

6. Boundaries in Lesbian Therapist/Client Relationships
Nanette K. Gartrell

7. Lesbian and Gay Male Development: Steps Toward an Analysis of Lesbians and Gay Men's Lives
Anthony R. D'Augelli

8. The Nature and Correlates of Relationship Quality in Gay, Lesbian, and Heterosexual Cohabitating Couples: A Test of the Difference, Interdependence, and Discrepancy Models
Lawrence A. Kurdek

9. Children of the Lesbian Baby Boom: Behavioral Adjustment, Self Concepts, and Sex Role Identity
Charlotte J. Patterson

10. Internalized Homophobia: Conceptual and Empirical Issues in Measurement
Ariel Shidlo

11. Assessing Heterosexuals' Attitudes Toward Lesbians and Gay Men: A Review of Empirical Research with the ATLG Scale
Gregory M. Herek

Critical Praise for Lesbian and Gay Psychology

"Using a 'lesbigay' affirmative perspective, this book takes us successfully toward the goal of building a theoretical and empirical knowledge base for understanding and improving the lives of lesbians and gay men. . . . I appreciated the variety of styles, approaches, and topics that the editors chose for this volume because it is this variety, as well as the content, that provokes the discussion and the evaluation of the concepts and research. This reviewer will be waiting and looking forward to future annual volumes." (Affilia)

"All of the contributors have broken ground in one way or another with their work, and this volume helpfully brings them together while also pointing us further ahead conceptually." (The Lesbian Review of Books)

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Volume 2 Volume 2

AIDS, Identity, and Community

The HIV Epidemic and Lesbians and Gay Men

Edited by
Gregory M. Herek, Ph.D.
Beverly Greene, Ph.D.

(Sage Publications, 1995)


Hit hard by the AIDS epidemic in the United States and in much of Europe, the gay and lesbian community has been forced to examine existing notions of what it means to belong to a community based on sexual orientation. The editors of this second volume in the annual series Psychological Perspectives on Lesbian and Gay Issues have collected a perceptive array of chapters that explore sexual behavior, personal identity, and community memberships of gay men and lesbian women. With the exception of a few, the chapters reflect study findings from AIDS-related research and include discussions of AIDS in large urban centers and in less populated settings outside of major AIDS epicenters. Focusing on underconsidered AIDS populations, the contributors explore specific topics concerning the AIDS epidemic among gay and bisexual men of color, lesbian women, and gay and lesbian youth. Accessible and sensitive, the book also examines relevant public policy, volunteerism, and long-term survival as important to AIDS awareness and education.

AIDS, Identity, and Community is an appreciable resource for AIDS researchers and caregivers, mental health practitioners, social service professionals, behavioral and social science students, and any reader who seeks deeper insight into the complex and subtle areas of the lesbian and gay community in the AIDS era.

Table of Contents Preface
Gregory M. Herek

1. HIV and the Gay Male Community: One Clinician's Reflections over the Years
Neal King

2. Lesbians at Risk for HIV: The Unresolved Debate
Cynthia A. Gomez

3. HIV/AIDS Prevention and the Impact of Attitudes Toward Homosexuality and Bisexuality
Theo G. M. Sandfort

4. Identity and Community among Gay and Bisexual Men in the AIDS Era: Preliminary Findings from the Sacramento Men's Health Study
Gregory M. Herek & Eric K. Glunt

5. AIDS-Related Risks and Same-Sex Behaviors among African American Men
John L. Peterson

6. The Sexual Identity and Behavior of Puerto Rican Men Who Have Sex with Men
Alex Carballo-Dieguez

7. AIDS Risk, Dual Identity, and Community Response among Gay Asian and Pacific Islander Men in San Francisco
Kyung-Hee Choi, Nilo Salazar, Steve Lew & Thomas J. Coates

8. Psychosocial Stressors in a Panel of New York City Gay Men During the AIDS Epidemic, 1985-1991
Laura Dean

9. Coming Out as Lesbian and Gay in the Era of AIDS
Mary Jane Rotherman-Borus, Joyce Hunter & Margaret Rosario

10. Long-Term Survival with AIDS and the Role of Community
Robert H. Remien & Judith G. Rabkin

11. AIDS Volunteerism: Lesbian and Gay Community-Based Responses to HIV
Allen M. Omoto & A. Lauren Crain

12. The Importance of HIV Prevention Programming to the Lesbian and Gay Community
William A. Bailey

Critical Praise for AIDS, Identity, and Community

HIV alters the lives of anyone that it touches, whether they are gay or straight. This book looks at all of the aspects of how HIV/AIDS has altered the lives of those it touches. . . . The titles of the 12 chapters give an excellent overview of what is covered in these extremely well-written reports. . . . This is a must-read book for everyone. It should be in all libraries, including school libraries. Young adolescents who are facing the problem of coming out would benefit from this book." (AIDS Book Review Journal)

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Volume 3 Volume 3

Ethnic and Cultural Diversity Among Lesbians and Gay Men

Edited by
Beverly Greene, Ph.D.

(Sage Publications, 1997)


Ethnicity, culture, and sexual orientation are salient aspects of human identity. While diversity adds richness to the threads of our human tapestry, minorities often feel vulnerable with open disclosure and retreat from exposures they fear could leave them in jeopardy. This is especially so with the lesbian and gay community. Ethnic and Cultural Diversity Among Lesbians and Gay Men explores a broad range of culture-related topics specific to the experience of this population – and is courageously presented by an outstanding, diverse group of contributors. Along with empirical, clinical, and theoretical discussions, the inclusion of personal narrative offers poignant insight into additional complexities, pressures, and losses that lesbians and gay men must cope with in a world that often handles diversity with the closed fist of bigotry.

Table of Contents 1. Native Gay and Lesbian Issues: The Two-Spirited
Terry Tafoya

2. A National Survey of the Intimate Relationships of African American Lesbians and Gay Men: A Look at Commitment, Satisfaction, Sexual Behavior, and HIV Disease
Letitia Anne Peplau, Susan D. Cochran & Vickie M. Mays

3. Leaving the Confederate Closet
Bonnie Ruth Strickland

4. Female, Lesbian, and Jewish: Complex and Invisible
Sari H. Dworkin

5. From Apartheid to Mandela's Constitution: Black South African Lesbians in the Nineties
Cheryl Potgieter

6. Symbol of Privilege, Object of Derision: Dissonance and Contradictions
Armand R. Cerbone

7. Exploring the Lives of Older African American Gay Men
Clarence Lancelot Adams, Jr. & Douglas C. Kimmel

8. Greek American Lesbians: Identity Odysseys of Honorable Good Girls
Leah M. Fygetakis

9. Crossing Borders and Boundaries: The Life Narratives of Immigrant Lesbians
Oliva M. Espin

10. Ethnic Minority Lesbians and Gay Men: Mental Health and Treatment Issues
Beverly Greene

11. Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Don't Know: The Formation of a Homosexual Identity and Sexual Expression Among Asian American Lesbians
Connie S. Chan

12. The Relationships Among Self-Esteem, Acculturation, and Lesbian Identity Formation in Latina Lesbians
Marta A. Alquijay

13. Sexual Identity and the Discontents of Difference
Carla M. Trujillo

14. Cultural Diversity and the Coming-Out Process: Implications for Clinical Practice
Althea Smith

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Volume 4 Volume 4

Stigma and Sexual Orientation

Understanding Prejudice Against Lesbians, Gay Men, and Bisexuals

Edited by
Gregory M. Herek, Ph.D.

(Sage Publications, 1998)


What are the social and psychological roots of homophobia and antigay stigma? How does prejudice affect lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals? What can psychology and science do to confront bigotry based on sexual orientation? Stigma and Sexual Orientation: Understanding Prejudice Against Lesbians, Gay Men, and Bisexuals brings together theory and empirical data from a variety of disciplines – including psychology, sociology, and political science – to illuminate the phenomenon variously referred to as homophobia, heterosexism, or simply prejudice based on sexual orientation. Its chapters consider the sources and impact of homophobic attitudes and conduct in the laboratory, the courtroom, the voting booth, and the streets. With a firm grounding in scientific theory and empirical methods, Stigma and Sexual Orientation represents the cutting edge of behavioral research on this serious social problem.

Table of Contents Preface
Gregory M. Herek

1. Unassuming Motivations: Contextualizing the Narratives of Antigay Assailants
Karen Franklin

2. Homophobia in the Courtroom: An Assessment of Biases Against Gay Men and Lesbians in a National Multi-Ethnic Sample of Potential Jurors
Drury Sherrod & Peter M. Nardi

3. Do Heterosexual Women and Men Differ in their Attitudes Toward Homosexuality? A Conceptual and Methodological Analysis
Mary E. Kite & Bernard E. Whitley, Jr.

4. The Relationship between Stereotypes of and Attitudes Toward Lesbians and Gays
Angela Simon

5. Authoritarianism, Values, and the Favorability and Structure of Anti-Gay Attitudes
Geoffrey Haddock & Mark P. Zanna

6. The Political Response to Stigma: Lessons from Voter Attitudes and Behavior in Gay Rights Disputes
Douglas Alan Strand

7. Minority Stress Among Lesbians, Gay Men, and Bisexuals: A Consequence of Heterosexism, Homophobia, and Stigmatization
Joanne DiPlacido

8. Internalized Homophobia, Intimacy, and Sexual Behavior among Gay and Bisexual Men
Ilan H. Meyer & Laura Dean

9. Developmental Implications Of Victimization of Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Youths
Anthony R. D'Augelli

10. The Postmodern Family: An Examination of the Psychosocial and Legal Perspectives of Gay and Lesbian Parenting
Andrew McLeod & Isiaah Crawford

11. Bad Science in the Service of Stigma: A Critique of the Cameron Group's Survey Studies
Gregory M. Herek
[More information on this topic is available elsewhere on the site]

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Volume 5 Volume 5

Education, Research, and Practice in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered Psychology

A Resource Manual

Edited by
Beverly Greene, Ph.D., and Gladys Croom, Psy.D.

(Sage Publications, 2000)


Academic psychologists have been challenged to make psychology curricula more inclusive. Program changes involve revising undergraduate and graduate course material and content to represent the full spectrum of sexual orientation identity, development and life dilemmas. Similarly, trainers and educators responsible for training in related mental health disciplines, mental health agencies and other venues that deliver psychological services to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, And Transgendered individuals have been appropriately challenged to make training competent practitioners a priority. Many practitioners who have had no training in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, And Transgendered Psychology find themselves confronted with clients whom they feel ill equipped to address. They often have the desire to develop clinical competencies in this area, but don't know where to begin. This volume is intended to serve as a basic resource with information on salient Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, And Transgendered issues and to provide the reader with a range of references and other resources to explore key identity, development, and other subjects.

Table of Contents Preface
B. Greene

1. Beyond Heterosexism and Across the Cultural Divide: Developing an Inclusive Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Psychology: A Look to the Future
B. Greene

2. Teaching Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Psychology: Contemporary Strategies
C. Browning & C. Kain

3. Including Sexual Orientation in Life Span Developmental Psychology
D. Kimmel

4. Confronting Heterosexism in the Teaching of Psychology
J. M. Simoni

5. Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Lives: Basic Issues in Psychotherapy Training and Practice
K. Hancock

6. Including Transgender Issues in Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Psychology: Implications for Clinical Practice and Training
K. A. Gainor

7. Bisexuality in Perspective: A Review of Theory and Research
R. C. Fox

8. Lesbians, Gays, and Family Psychology: Resources for Teaching and Practice
R. J. Green

9. Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Adolescent Development: Dancing with Your Feet Tied Together
J. Hunter & G. Mallon

10. Therapeutic Responses to Sexual Orientation: Psychology's Evolution
D. C. Haldeman

11. Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual People of Color: A Challenge to Representative Sampling in Empirical Research
G. L. Croom

12. The Lesbian and Gay Workplace: A Guide to Advancing Equity
S. Gore

Appendix I: American Psychological Association Policy Statements on Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Concerns

Appendix II: Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Concerns at the American Psychological Association
C. W. Anderson

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