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    Gregory M. Herek, Ph.D.


Book Chapters
Journal Articles
  Books and Edited Volumes



More info about Hate Crimes

  1. Herek, G.M., & Berrill, K. (Eds.) (1990). Violence against lesbians and gay men: Issues for research, practice, and policy [Special issue]. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 5 (3).  

  2. Herek, G.M., & Berrill, K. (Eds.) (1992). Hate crimes: Confronting violence against lesbians and gay men. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. [Named an Outstanding Academic Book of 1992 by Choice Magazine, American Library Association; recipient of a 1993 Myers Center Award for the Study of Human Rights in the United States.]

  3. Greene, B., & Herek, G.M. (Eds.) (1994). Lesbian and gay psychology: Theory, research, and clinical applications. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
More info about Out in Force  
  1. Herek, G.M., & Greene, B. (Eds.) (1995). AIDS, identity, and community: The HIV epidemic and lesbians and gay men. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

  2. Herek, G.M., Jobe, J.B., & Carney, R. (1996). Out in force: Sexual orientation and the military. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

  3. Herek, G.M. (1998). Stigma and sexual orientation: Understanding prejudice against lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

  4. Herek, G.M. (1999). AIDS and stigma in the United States. [Special issue]. American Behavioral Scientist, 42 (7).
Journal Articles
  Chapters in Edited Volumes and Encyclopedias
  1. Herek, G.M. (1989). Sexual orientation. In H. Tierney (Ed.), Women's Studies Encyclopedia, Volume 1 (pp. 344-346). New York: Greenwood.

  2. Herek, G.M. (1990). Illness, stigma, and AIDS. In P. Costa & G.R. VandenBos (Eds.), Psychological aspects of serious illness (pp. 103-150). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

  3. Herek, G.M. (1990). Homophobia.. In W.R. Dynes (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Homosexuality (pp. 552-555). New York: Garland.

  4. Herek, G.M. (1991). Stigma, prejudice, and violence against lesbians and gay men. In J. Gonsiorek & J. Weinrich (Eds.), Homosexuality: Research implications for public policy (pp. 60-80). Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
More info about Hate Crimes  
  1. Herek, G.M. (1992). Psychological heterosexism and antigay violence: The social psychology of bigotry and bashing. In G.M. Herek, & K.T. Berrill (Eds.) Hate crimes: Confronting violence against lesbians and gay men (pp. 149-169). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

  2. Herek, G.M. (1992). The social context of hate crimes: Notes on cultural heterosexism. In G.M. Herek, & K.T. Berrill (Eds.) Hate crimes: Confronting violence against lesbians and gay men (pp. 89-104). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

  3. Herek, G.M. (1992). The community response to violence in San Francisco: An interview with Wenny Kusuma, Lester Olmstead-Rose, and Jill Tregor. In G.M. Herek, & K.T. Berrill (Eds.) Hate crimes: Confronting violence against lesbians and gay men (pp. 241-258). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

  4. Herek, G.M., & Glunt, E.K. (1993). Public attitudes toward AIDS-related issues in the United States. In J.B. Pryor & G.D. Reeder (Eds.), The social psychology of HIV infection (pp. 229-261). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

  5. Herek, G.M. (1993). On prejudice toward gay people and gays as security risks. In M. Wolinsky & K. Sherrill (Eds.) Gays and the military: Joseph Steffan versus the United States (pp. 121-140). Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.


More info about Division 44 Volume 1

  1. Herek, G.M. (1994). Assessing heterosexuals' attitudes toward lesbians and gay men: A review of empirical research with the ATLG scale. In B. Greene, & G.M. Herek (Eds.) Lesbian and gay psychology: Theory, research, and clinical applications (pp. 206-228). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
    (Information about the ATLG scale is available elsewhere on this site.)

  2. Herek, G.M. (1994). Heterosexism, hate crimes, and the law. In M. Costanzo, & S. Oskamp (Eds.) Violence and the Law (pp. 89-112). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

  3. Herek, G.M. (1994). Homosexuality. In R.J. Corsini (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Psychology (2nd edition, pp. 151-155). New York: Wiley Interscience.

  4. Herek, G.M. (1995). Developing a theoretical framework and rationale for a research proposal. In W. Pequegnat & E. Stover (Eds.), How to write a successful research grant application: A guide for social and behavioral scientists (pp. 85-91). New York: Plenum.


More info about Division 44 Volume 2

  1. Herek, G.M. (1995). Psychological heterosexism in the United States. In A.R. D'Augelli & C.J. Patterson (Eds.) Lesbian, gay, and bisexual identities across the lifespan: Psychological perspectives (pp. 321-346). Oxford University Press.

  2. Herek, G.M., & Glunt, E.K. (1995). Identity and community among gay and bisexual men in the AIDS era: Preliminary findings from the Sacramento Men's Health Study. In G.M. Herek & B. Greene (Eds.) AIDS, identity, and community: The HIV epidemic and lesbians and gay men (pp. 55-84). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

  3. Herek, G.M. (1996). Heterosexism and homophobia. In R.P. Cabaj & T.S. Stein (Eds.), Textbook of homosexuality and mental health (pp. 101-113). Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press.
More info about Out In Force  
  1. Herek, G.M. (1996). Why tell if you're not asked? Self disclosure, intergroup contact, and heterosexuals' attitudes toward lesbians and gay men. In G.M. Herek, J.J. Jobe, & R. Carney (Eds.), Out in force: Sexual orientation and the military (pp. 197-225). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

  2. Herek, G.M., & Jobe, J.B. (1996). Social science, sexual orientation, and military personnel policy. In G.M. Herek, J.J. Jobe, & R. Carney (Eds.), Out in force: Sexual orientation and the military (pp. pp. 3-14). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

  3. Herek, G.M. (1997). The HIV epidemic and public attitudes toward lesbians and gay men. In M.P. Levine, P. Nardi, & J. Gagnon (Eds.) In changing times: Gay men and lesbians encounter HIV/AIDS (pp. 191-218). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
More info about Stigma and Sexual Orientation  
  1. Herek, G.M. (1998). Bad science in the service of stigma: A critique of the Cameron group's survey studies. In G.M. Herek (Ed.) Stigma and sexual orientation: Understanding prejudice against lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals (pp. 223-255). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
    The Cameron group's research is critiqued elsewhere on this site.

  2. Herek, G.M. (1998). The Attitudes Toward Lesbians and Gay Men (ATLG) scale. In C.M. Davis, W.L. Yarber, R. Bauserman, G. Schreer, & S.L. Davis (Eds.), Handbook of sexuality-related measures (pp. 392-394). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. (Information about the ATLG scale is available elsewhere on this site.)

  3. Cogan, J.C., & Herek, G.M. (1998). Stigma. In R.A. Smith (Ed.), The encyclopedia of AIDS (pp. 466-467). Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn.

  4. Franklin, K., & Herek, G.M. (1999). Violence toward homosexuals. In L. Kurtz (Ed.), Encyclopedia of violence, peace, and conflict . (p. 139-151). San Diego, CA: Academic Press.

  5. Herek, G.M. (2000). Homosexuality. In A.E. Kazdin (Ed.), Encyclopedia of psychology (pp. 149-153). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association & Oxford University Press.

  6. Herek, G.M. (2000). The social construction of attitudes: Functional consensus and divergence in the US public's reactions to AIDS. In G. Maio & J. Olson (Eds.), Why we evaluate: Functions of attitudes (pp. 325-364). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

  7. Herek, G.M., & Belkin, A. (2005). Sexual orientation and military service: Prospects for organizational and individual change in the United States. In T.W. Britt, A.B. Adler, & C.A. Castro (Eds.), Military life: The psychology of serving in peace and combat (Vol. 4: Military culture, pp. 119-142). Westport, CT: Praeger Security International.

  8. Herek, G. M., Chopp, R., & Strohl, D. (2007). Sexual stigma: Putting sexual minority health issues in context. In I. Meyer & M. Northridge (Eds.), The health of sexual minorities: Public health perspectives on lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender populations (pp. 171-208). New York: Springer.

  9. Herek, G. M., & Sims, C. (2008). Sexual orientation and violent victimization: Hate crimes and intimate partner violence among gay and bisexual males in the United States. In R.J. Wolitski, R. Stall, & R.O. Valdiserri (Eds.), Unequal opportunity: Health disparities among gay and bisexual men in the United States (pp. 35-71). New York: Oxford University Press.

  10. Herek, G. M. (2009). Sexual prejudice. In T. Nelson (Ed.), Handbook of prejudice (pp. 439-465). New York: Psychology Press.

  11. Herek, G. M. (2009). Sexual stigma and sexual prejudice in the United States: A conceptual framework. In D. A. Hope (Ed.). Contemporary perspectives on lesbian, gay & bisexual identities: The 54th Nebraska Symposium on Motivation (pp. 65-111). New York: Springer.

  12. Belkin, A., Frank, N., Herek, G. M., Hillman, E. L., Mazur, D. H., & Wilson, B. J. (2010). How to end "Don't Ask, Don't Tell": A roadmap of political, legal, regulatory, and organizational steps to equal treatment. In J. E. Parco, & D. A. Levy (Eds.), Attitudes aren't free: Thinking deeply about diversity in the U.S. armed forces (pp. 199-231). Maxwell Air Force Base, AL: Air University Press.

  13. Herek, G.M. (2011). Developing a theoretical framework and rationale for a research proposal. In W. Pequegnat, E. Stover, & C. Boyce (Eds.), How to write a successful research grant application: A guide for social and behavioral scientists (2nd ed., pp. 137-145). New York: Springer.

  14. Herek, G. M. (2014). HIV-related stigma. In P. W. Corrigan (Ed.), The stigma of disease and disability: Empirical models and implications for change (pp. 121-138). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

  15. Herek, G. M. (2018). Setting the record "straight": Communicating findings from social science research on sexual orientation to the courts. In P. L. Hammack (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Social Psychology and Social Justice (pp. 405-425). New York: Oxford University Press.
Book Chapters
  Papers in Academic Journals



Abstracts (and, in some cases, preprints) are available for papers with highlighted titles.

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  1. Barbatsis, G., Wong, M., & Herek, G.M. (1983). A struggle for dominance: Relational communication patterns in television drama. Communication Quarterly, 31 (2), 148-155.

  2. Herek, G.M. (1984). Beyond "homophobia": A social psychological perspective on attitudes toward lesbians and gay men. Journal of Homosexuality, 10 (1/2), 1-21. 

    [Reprinted in J.P. DeCecco (Ed.), Bashers, baiters, and bigots: Homophobia in American society. New York: Harrington Park Press, 1985.]

  3. Herek, G.M. (1984). Attitudes toward lesbians and gay men: A factor-analytic study. Journal of Homosexuality, 10 (1/2), 39-51.

    [Reprinted in J.P. DeCecco (Ed.), Bashers, baiters, and bigots: Homophobia in American society. New York: Harrington Park Press, 1985.]

  4. Herek, G.M. (1986). On heterosexual masculinity: Some psychical consequences of the social construction of gender and sexuality. American Behavioral Scientist, 29 (5), 563-577.

    Reprinted in:

  5. Herek, G.M. (1986). The instrumentality of attitudes: Toward a neofunctional theory. Journal of Social Issues, 42 (2), 99-114.

  6. Crosby, F.J., & Herek, G.M. (1986). Male sympathy with the situation of women: Does personal experience make a difference? Journal of Social Issues, 42 (2), 55-66.

  7. Herek, G.M. (1986). The social psychology of homophobia: Toward a practical theory. Review of Law and Social Change, 14 (4), 923-934.

  8. Herek, G.M. (1987). Religious orientation and prejudice: A comparison of racial and sexual attitudes. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 13 (1), 56-65.

  9. Herek, G.M., Janis, I.L., & Huth, P. (1987). Decision-making during international crises: Is quality of process related to outcome? Journal of Conflict Resolution, 31 (2), 203-226.

  10. Herek, G.M. (1987). Can functions be measured? A new perspective on the functional approach to attitudes. Social Psychology Quarterly, 50(4), 285-303.

  11. Herek, G.M., & Glunt, E.K. (1988). An epidemic of stigma: Public reactions to AIDS. American Psychologist, 43 (11), 886-891.

  12. Herek, G.M. (1988). Heterosexuals' attitudes toward lesbians and gay men: Correlates and gender differences. The Journal of Sex Research, 25 (4), 451-477.

  13. Herek, G.M. (1989). Hate crimes against lesbians and gay men: Issues for research and policy. American Psychologist, 44 (6), 948-955.

    [Reprinted in W.R. Dynes & S. Donaldson (Eds.), Homosexuality: Discrimination, criminology, and the law. New York: Garland, 1992.]

  14. Herek, G.M., Janis, I.L., & Huth, P. (1989). The quality of U.S. decisionmaking during the Cuban missile crisis: Major errors in Welch's reassessment. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 33 (3), 446-459.

  15. Herek, G.M. (1990). Gay people and government security clearances: A social science perspective. American Psychologist, 45 (9), 1035-1042.

    [Reprinted in J. Duntley & L. Shaffer (Eds.), Human development across the life span. Acton, MA: Copley, 1993.]

  16. Herek, G.M. (1990). The context of anti-gay violence: Notes on cultural and psychological heterosexism. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 5 (3), 316-333.

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  17. Herek, G.M., & Berrill, K. (1990). Documenting the victimization of lesbians and gay men: Methodological issues. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 5 (3), 301-315.

    [Reprinted in Herek & Berrill (Eds.) (1992). Hate crimes: Confronting violence against lesbians and gay men (pp. 270-286). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.]

  18. Herek, G.M., & Berrill, K. (1990). Anti-gay violence and mental health: Setting an agenda for research. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 5 (3), 414-423.

  19. Garnets, L., Herek, G.M., & Levy, B. (1990). Violence and victimization of lesbians and gay men: Mental health consequences. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 5 (3), 366-383.

    Reprinted in:

  20. Berrill, K.T., & Herek, G.M. (1990). Primary and secondary victimization in anti-gay hate crimes: Official response and public policy. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 5 (3), 401-413.

    [Revised and reprinted in Herek & Berrill (Eds.) (1992). Hate crimes: Confronting violence against lesbians and gay men (pp. 289-305). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.]

  21. Herek, G.M., & Glunt, E.K. (1991). AIDS-related attitudes in the United States: A preliminary conceptualization. The Journal of Sex Research, 28 (1), 99-123.

  22. Herek, G.M., Kimmel, D.C., Amaro, H., & Melton, G.B. (1991). Avoiding heterosexist bias in psychological research. American Psychologist, 46 (9), 957-963.

    [Reprinted in Bioethics News, 12 (5), Special Supplement, 2-19. (Published by the Centre for Human Bioethics at Monash University, Australia)]

  23. Herek, G.M. (1991). Myths about sexual orientation: A lawyer's guide to social science research. Law and Sexuality, 1, 133-172.

  24. Herek, G.M., & Capitanio, J.P. (1993). Public reactions to AIDS in the United States: A second decade of stigma. American Journal of Public Health, 83 (4), 574-577.

  25. Herek, G.M. (1993). Sexual orientation and military service: A social science perspective. American Psychologist, 48 (5), 538-547.

  26. Herek, G.M., & Glunt, E.K. (1993). Interpersonal contact and heterosexuals' attitudes toward gay men: Results from a national survey. The Journal of Sex Research, 30 (3), 239-244.

  27. Herek, G.M. (1993). Documenting prejudice against lesbians and gay men on campus: The Yale Sexual Orientation Survey. Journal of Homosexuality, 25 (4), 15-30.

  28. Herek, G.M., & Capitanio, J.P. (1994). Conspiracies, contagion, and compassion: Trust and public reactions to AIDS. AIDS Education and Prevention, 6 (4), 367-377.

  29. Herek, G.M., & Capitanio, J.P. (1995). Black heterosexuals' attitudes toward lesbians and gay men in the United States. The Journal of Sex Research, 32 (2), 95-105.

  30. Herek, G.M., & Capitanio, J.P. (1996). "Some of my best friends": Intergroup contact, concealable stigma, and heterosexuals' attitudes toward gay men and lesbians. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 22 (4), 412-424.

  31. Herek, G.M., & Capitanio, J.P. (1997). AIDS stigma and contact with persons with AIDS: Effects of personal and vicarious contact. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 27 (1), 1-36.

  32. Herek, G.M., Gillis, J.R., Cogan, J.C., & Glunt, E.K. (1997). Hate crime victimization among lesbian, gay, and bisexual adults: Prevalence, psychological correlates, and methodological issues. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 12, 195-215.

  33. Herek, G.M., Cogan, J.C., Gillis, J.R., & Glunt, E.K. (1998). Correlates of internalized homophobia in a community sample of lesbians and gay men. Journal of the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association, 2, 17-25.

  34. Herek, G. M., Mitnick, L., Burris, S., Chesney, M., Devine, P., Fullilove, M. T., Fullilove, R., Gunther, H. C., Levi, J., Michaels, S., Novick, A., Pryor, J., Snyder, M., & Sweeney, T. (1998). AIDS and stigma: A conceptual framework and research agenda. AIDS and Public Policy Journal, 13 (1), 36-47.

  35. Herek, G.M., & Capitanio, J.P. (1998). Symbolic prejudice or fear of infection? A functional analysis of AIDS-related stigma among heterosexual adults. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 20 (3), 230-241.

  36. Herek, G. M., Gillis, J. R., Glunt, E. K., Lewis, J., Welton, D., & Capitanio, J. P. (1998). Culturally sensitive AIDS educational videos for African American audiences: Effects of source, message, receiver, and context. American Journal of Community Psychology, 26 (5), 705-743.

  37. Herek, G.M. (1999). AIDS and stigma. American Behavioral Scientist, 42, 1102-1112.

  38. Herek, G.M., & Capitanio, J.P. (1999). AIDS stigma and sexual prejudice. American Behavioral Scientist, 42, 1126-1143.

  39. Capitanio, J.P., & Herek, G.M. (1999). AIDS-related stigma and attitudes toward injecting drug users among Black and White Americans. American Behavioral Scientist, 42, 1144-1157.

  40. Herek, G.M., Gillis, J.R., & Cogan, J. C. (1999). Psychological sequelae of hate crime victimization among lesbian, gay, and bisexual adults. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 67 (6), 945-951.

  41. Herek, G.M., & Capitanio, J. C. (1999). Sex differences in how heterosexuals think about lesbians and gay men: Evidence from survey context effects. Journal of Sex Research, 36 (4), 348-360.

  42. Herek, G.M. (2000). The psychology of sexual prejudice. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 9(1), 19-22.

  43. Herek, G.M. (2000). Sexual prejudice and gender: Do heterosexuals' attitudes toward lesbians and gay men differ?. Journal of Social Issues, 56 (2), 251-266.

  44. Herek, G.M., Gonzalez-Rivera, M., Fead, F., & Welton, D. (2001). AIDS educational videos for gay and bisexual men: A content analysis. Journal of the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association, 5 (4), 143-153.

  45. Herek, G.M., Capitanio, J.P., & Widaman, K.F. (2002). HIV-related stigma and knowledge in the United States: Prevalence and trends, 1991-1999. American Journal of Public Health, 92(3), 371-377.

  46. Herek, G.M. (2002). Gender gaps in public opinion about lesbians and gay men. Public Opinion Quarterly, 66 (1), 40-66.

  47. Herek, G.M., Cogan, J.C., & Gillis, J.R. (2002). Victim experiences in hate crimes based on sexual orientation. Journal of Social Issues, 58 (2), 319-339.

  48. Herek, G.M. (2002). Heterosexuals' attitudes toward bisexual men and women in the United States. Journal of Sex Research, 39 (4), 264-274.

  49. Herek, G.M. (2002). Thinking about AIDS and stigma: A psychologist's perspective. Journal of Law, Medicine, and Ethics, 30, 594-607.

  50. Herek, G.M., Capitanio, J.P., & Widaman, K.F. (2003). Stigma, social risk, and health policy: Public attitudes toward HIV surveillance policies and the social construction of illness. Health Psychology, 22 (5), 533-540.

  51. Herek, G.M. (2003). Evaluating interventions to alter sexual orientation: Methodological and ethical considerations (Comment on Spitzer, 2003). Archives of Sexual Behavior, 32(5), 438-439.

  52. Herek, G.M. (2004). Beyond "homophobia": Thinking about sexual stigma and prejudice in the twenty-first century. Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 1(2), 6-24.

  53. Herek, G. M., Widaman, K.F., & Capitanio, J.P. (2005). When sex equals AIDS: Symbolic stigma and heterosexual adults' inaccurate beliefs about sexual transmission of AIDS. Social Problems, 52 (1), 15-37.

  54. Herek, G. M., & Gonzalez, M. (2006). Attitudes toward homosexuality among U.S. residents of Mexican descent. Journal of Sex Research, 43 (2), 122-135.

  55. Herek, G. M. (2006). Legal recognition of same-sex relationships in the United States: A social science perspective. American Psychologist, 61 (6), 607-621.

  56. Herek, G. M., & Garnets, L. D. (2007). Sexual orientation and mental health. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 3, 353-375.

  57. Herek, G. M. (2007). Confronting sexual stigma and prejudice: Theory and practice. Journal of Social Issues, 63, 905-925.

  58. Steward, W. T., Herek, G. M., Ramakrishna, J., Bharat, S., Chandy, S., Wrubel, J., & Ekstrand, M. L. (2008). HIV-related stigma: Adapting a theoretical framework for use in India. Social Science & Medicine, 67, 1225-1235.

  59. Herek, G. M. (2009). Hate crimes and stigma-related experiences among sexual minority adults in the United States: Prevalence estimates from a national probability sample. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 24, 54-74.

  60. Herek, G. M., Gillis, J. R., & Cogan, J. C. (2009). Internalized stigma among sexual minority adults: Insights from a social psychological perspective. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 56, 32-43.

  61. Herek, G. M., Norton, A. T., Allen, T. J., & Sims, C. L. (2010). Demographic, psychological, and social characteristics of self-identified lesbian, gay, and bisexual adults in a U.S. probability sample. Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 7, 176-200.

  62. Herek, G. M. (2010). Sexual orientation differences as deficits: Science and stigma in the history of American psychology. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 5, 693-699.

  63. Herek, G. M. (2010). Intimate relationships and parenthood in same-sex couples: An introduction [Intime Beziehungen und Elternschaft bei gleichgeschlechtlichen Paaren. Eine Einführung]. . Zeitschrift für Familienforschung/Journal of Family Research,, Special Issue 7, 11-21.

  64. Herek, G. M. (2011). Anti-equality marriage amendments and sexual stigma. Journal of Social Issues, 61, 413-426.

  65. Norton, A. T., & Herek, G. M. (2013). Heterosexuals' attitudes toward transgender people: Findings from a national probability sample of U.S. adults. Sex Roles, 68, 738-753.

  66. Herek, G.M., & McLemore, K. A. (2013). Sexual prejudice. Annual Review of Psychology, 64, 309-333.

  67. Herek, G. M., Saha, S., & Burack, J. (2013). Stigma and psychological distress in people with HIV/AIDS. Basic & Applied Social Psychology, 35, 41-54.

  68. Herek, G. M. (2014). Evaluating the methodology of social science research on sexual orientation and parenting: A tale of three studies. UC Davis Law Review, 48(2), 583-622.

  69. Herek, G. M. (2015). Beyond "homophobia": Thinking more clearly about stigma, prejudice, and sexual orientation.. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 85(5, Suppl), S29-S37.

  70. Herek, G. M. (2016). A nuanced view of stigma for understanding and addressing sexual and gender minority health disparities.. LGBT Health, 3, 397-399.

  71. Herek, G. M. (2017). Documenting hate crimes in the United States: Some considerations on data sources.. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, 4, 143-15.
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