Please note: This website is no longer updated.
For more current information, please consult the relevant research, legal, and policy literatures.

Northern California Community Research Group

The Northern California Community Research Group is a team of social science researchers at the University of California at Davis under the leadership of Dr. Gregory Herek. Between 1992 and 1998, NCCRG conducted three major studies with the cooperation of more than 2500 lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals in the greater Sacramento area.


These studies – funded by the National Institute of Mental Health – have focused on the physical and mental health of lesbian, gay, and bisexual Americans. The goals of the research include:

  • documenting the problem of hate crime victimization and its aftermath;
  • examining the ways in which gay men, lesbians, and bisexuals cope successfully with homophobia and prejudice;
  • describing the ways in which lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals obtain support from their friends, families, and the community;
  • developing more effective strategies for AIDS education targeting gay and bisexual men;
  • identifying ways in which gay and bisexual men have been affected by the AIDS epidemic, and ways in which they have responded to the stresses created by HIV.

Having scientific data to address these goals will be important for developing better health services for lesbian, gay, and bisexual people. And, because it will provide a wealth of accurate information, the research will also have important uses in public policy debates and court cases.

All NCCRG research is based on a perspective that is now widely accepted in the social and behavioral sciences. It affirms the value of gay, lesbian, and bisexual identity and communities. Unlike earlier studies – which treated homosexuality and bisexuality as diseases – this approach focuses attention on problems caused by society's stigma. Prejudice is widespread, and it is important to understand the ways in which lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals respond to the challenges created by prejudice and lead healthy and fulfilling lives in spite of it.

NCCRG Staff Links

Dr. Jeanine Cogan is now working in Washington, DC, at the American Psychological Association.

Dr. Roy Gillis is now a member of the faculty at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto (OISE/UT). He is Editor of the new journal, Canadian Online Journal of Queer Studies in Education.

Dr. Milagritos Gonzalez has returned to her position on the faculty of the Department of Social Sciences at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez campus.

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All original content of this website is copyright © 1997-2012 by Gregory M. Herek, Ph.D.
All rights reserved

Northern California Community Research Group
Please note: This website is no longer updated.
For more current information, please consult the relevant research, legal, and policy literatures.

Northern California Community Research Group

The Northern California Community Research Group is a team of social science researchers at the University of California at Davis under the leadership of Dr. Gregory Herek. Between 1992 and 1998, NCCRG conducted three major studies with the cooperation of more than 2500 lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals in the greater Sacramento area.


These studies – funded by the National Institute of Mental Health – have focused on the physical and mental health of lesbian, gay, and bisexual Americans. The goals of the research include:

  • documenting the problem of hate crime victimization and its aftermath;
  • examining the ways in which gay men, lesbians, and bisexuals cope successfully with homophobia and prejudice;
  • describing the ways in which lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals obtain support from their friends, families, and the community;
  • developing more effective strategies for AIDS education targeting gay and bisexual men;
  • identifying ways in which gay and bisexual men have been affected by the AIDS epidemic, and ways in which they have responded to the stresses created by HIV.

Having scientific data to address these goals will be important for developing better health services for lesbian, gay, and bisexual people. And, because it will provide a wealth of accurate information, the research will also have important uses in public policy debates and court cases.

All NCCRG research is based on a perspective that is now widely accepted in the social and behavioral sciences. It affirms the value of gay, lesbian, and bisexual identity and communities. Unlike earlier studies – which treated homosexuality and bisexuality as diseases – this approach focuses attention on problems caused by society's stigma. Prejudice is widespread, and it is important to understand the ways in which lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals respond to the challenges created by prejudice and lead healthy and fulfilling lives in spite of it.

NCCRG Staff Links

Dr. Jeanine Cogan is now working in Washington, DC, at the American Psychological Association.

Dr. Roy Gillis is now a member of the faculty at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto (OISE/UT). He is Editor of the new journal, Canadian Online Journal of Queer Studies in Education.

Dr. Milagritos Gonzalez has returned to her position on the faculty of the Department of Social Sciences at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez campus.

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All original content of this website is copyright © 1997-2012 by Gregory M. Herek, Ph.D.
All rights reserved

Northern California Community Research Group
Please note: This website is no longer updated.
For more current information, please consult the relevant research, legal, and policy literatures.

Northern California Community Research Group

The Northern California Community Research Group is a team of social science researchers at the University of California at Davis under the leadership of Dr. Gregory Herek. Between 1992 and 1998, NCCRG conducted three major studies with the cooperation of more than 2500 lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals in the greater Sacramento area.


These studies – funded by the National Institute of Mental Health – have focused on the physical and mental health of lesbian, gay, and bisexual Americans. The goals of the research include:

  • documenting the problem of hate crime victimization and its aftermath;
  • examining the ways in which gay men, lesbians, and bisexuals cope successfully with homophobia and prejudice;
  • describing the ways in which lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals obtain support from their friends, families, and the community;
  • developing more effective strategies for AIDS education targeting gay and bisexual men;
  • identifying ways in which gay and bisexual men have been affected by the AIDS epidemic, and ways in which they have responded to the stresses created by HIV.

Having scientific data to address these goals will be important for developing better health services for lesbian, gay, and bisexual people. And, because it will provide a wealth of accurate information, the research will also have important uses in public policy debates and court cases.

All NCCRG research is based on a perspective that is now widely accepted in the social and behavioral sciences. It affirms the value of gay, lesbian, and bisexual identity and communities. Unlike earlier studies – which treated homosexuality and bisexuality as diseases – this approach focuses attention on problems caused by society's stigma. Prejudice is widespread, and it is important to understand the ways in which lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals respond to the challenges created by prejudice and lead healthy and fulfilling lives in spite of it.

NCCRG Staff Links

Dr. Jeanine Cogan is now working in Washington, DC, at the American Psychological Association.

Dr. Roy Gillis is now a member of the faculty at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto (OISE/UT). He is Editor of the new journal, Canadian Online Journal of Queer Studies in Education.

Dr. Milagritos Gonzalez has returned to her position on the faculty of the Department of Social Sciences at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez campus.

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All original content of this website is copyright © 1997-2012 by Gregory M. Herek, Ph.D.
All rights reserved