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Sexual Orientation: Science, Education and Policy
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This site features work by Dr. Gregory Herek, an internationally recognized authority on sexual prejudice (also called homophobia), hate crimes, and AIDS stigma. It provides factual information to promote the use of scientific knowledge for education and enlightened public policy related to sexual orientation and HIV/AIDS.

Professor Herek's tweets, blog posts, and publications

Professor Herek's courtroom testimony in the Proposition 8 case portrayed in "8," the play by Dustin Lance Black

Professor Herek's 2011 testimony for the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights briefing on bullying and antigay harassment in public schools.



  Site news
Fight AIDS   Fight AIDS, Not People With AIDS!
AIDS stigma poses a serious threat to the well-being of people with HIV. It also interferes with efforts to fight AIDS. Data from our national surveys show the extent of AIDS stigma in the United States and offer insights about its underlying sources. They also address issues related to HIV surveillance policies.

  Sexual Prejudice
Sexual prejudice – also called heterosexism or homophobia – hurts everyone. Research findings shed light on the prevalence of sexual prejudice, its correlates, underlying motivations for sexual prejudice, and how personal contact with gay men and lesbians is related to heterosexuals' attitudes toward gay people.

  Sexual Prejudice
The Facts   Get the Facts!
Inaccurate stereotypes and falsehoods about lesbians and gay men abound in policy debates. But scientific data are available for understanding the facts about sexual orientation. This section includes information about homosexuality and mental health, attempts to change sexual orientation, myths about child molestation, and a detailed critique of Paul Cameron's research.

  Stop Anti-Gay Hate Crimes!
Antigay violence is a widespread problem. Dr. Herek's national survey indicates that about 20% of sexual minority adults have been victimized in a hate crime. His questionnaire study of nearly 2300 Sacramento-area sexual minority adults shows that the psychological distress associated with hate crimes against lesbians and gay men is more serious than that associated with non-bias crimes. And interviews with 450 lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals provide illustrations of the varieties of hate crime victimization.

  Hate Crimes
Out In Force   Gay People in the Military
In December, 2010, the US Congress repealed Don't Ask, Don't Tell, pending certification by the Pentagon and the President that the military was ready to implement the repeal. That certification was officially made in July, and the repeal of DADT became effective on September 20, 2011. This section discusses scientific data that offer important insights about lesbians and gay men – and heterosexuals – in the U.S. military.


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